The Top 5 Things That Will Make Content Creation Easier

I don’t need to tell you how hard it can be to consistently create great content.

It’s one of the biggest challenges brands face today, and the smaller you are, the harder it gets. The time and resources you need to put into content in order to see a small return makes it almost feel like it’s not worth it.

Trust me when I say that it is completely worth it.

Quality content that’s on brand and helps tell your brand story, will build trust with your audience and help them to buy from you.

Put simply, quality content is essential for every business.

The good news is, you don’t have to do it the hard way.

Let’s look at how you can make content creation easier for your business and brand.


Why Easier Content Creation is Better than Faster Content Creation

Lots of content specialists will give you a list of quick tips to help you speed up your content creation.

And that’s great. We all want to create our content faster so we can use that time elsewhere in our business.

But faster isn’t always the pathway to better.

Instead of giving you another article that focuses on faster content creation, I’m going to share the things you should be focusing on to make content creation easier.

When we focus on making it easier, you’ll still find that you’re able to create content more quickly. But you’ll have the added benefit of keeping the quality of your content high at the same time.

You don’t want to move to faster content creation if what you’re creating is terrible, right?

Because when we say content is king – we really mean quality content is king.

And if you aren’t creating quality content, then you might as well not be creating content at all.

The Top Five Things to Make Content Creation Easier

The goal here is to make content creation easier while maintaining the quality that will attract your ideal customer or client.

Not to give you a formula for how to churn out content faster.

So, the five things on this list might not be what you’re expecting.

They are foundational content strategy concepts that will absolutely make it easier to create quality content that will connect with your audience.


# 1 Know Your Target Market

Marketing is a conversation. To turn your content into a conversation with your ideal client, you need to know who they actually are.

What are their fears? What motivates them? How do they see themselves in relation to the world? What problem do they know they have? What problems don’t they know they have?

What is their customer journey and what questions will they have along that journey to purchase with you?

When you have a clear ideal customer persona, and know how your target market thinks and feels, you’ll be able to easily create content that –

  • Speaks to them (not at them)

  • Answers their questions

  • Connects with their view of the world

The more you know your customer, the easier it is to create content they will love.


#2 Remember That You Don’t Have to be Everywhere

So many small businesses fall into the trap of feeling that they have to be everywhere.

They have a blog and a podcast and Facebook and Instagram and Pinterest and TikTok and a YouTube Channel and an email newsletter and the list goes on.

I’m giving you permission right now, to not be everywhere.

You don’t have time for that. It’s not productive and it’s draining the life out of you.

To start with, the only place you need to be is where your customers are.

Engage with them there, with the resources you have. Once you build consistency in one place, then look to branch out where and when it’s appropriate for your brand and resources.


#3 Write and Use an Editorial Statement

Creating content without an editorial statement is like showing up to interview someone without a list of questions you want to ask.

If you don’t have an editorial statement for your content, you’re basically creating content blind – no wonder it’s so hard!

An editorial statement clearly states –

  • WHO the content is for (see item 1 about Knowing Your Target Market)

  • WHAT type of content you’re trying to create

  • WHY you’re creating it

As with everything in life, purpose is key.

If you give your content creation purpose through an editorial statement, you’ll find it easier to move forward.


#4 Choose a Piece of Foundational Content and REPURPOSE IT!

Are you creating MORE content than you actually need to?

If you’re not repurposing any of your content, you’re making content creation way harder than it needs to be.


Choose one or two content creation activities as FOUNDATIONAL CONTENT. This might be a blog article you write, a webinar you’ve delivered, a piece of training you’ve written or a podcast you record.

Then once you’ve created that piece of content – repurpose, repurpose, repurpose.

If it’s a podcast you can have it transcribed and turned into an article. Key points can be repurposed into a tips and tricks newsletter. Quotes can be turned into social media posts and Instagram reels.

What do you have in your content library right now, that you can repurpose?


#5 Use Brand Story Strategy to Guide Content Creation

Brand Story Strategy is a choice to use brand story as the foundation for all business decisions, brand decisions and marketing decisions.

And it can be incredibly powerful – because when you take a strategic approach to brand story, you’ll find that they message you’re trying to send to your ideal customer will become easier to create and deliver.

When all of the foundations of brand story align, you’ll give your brand the edge that allows you to connect with your tribe in a meaningful way.

It’s no surprise then, that having a Brand Story Strategy in place, makes content creation easier.

It can help you choose the right topics and themes for the content you’re creating. It can help you write content in a tone of voice that’s on brand. It can help you create content that creates connection with your customer.

You can find out more about the power of Brand Story Strategy here.


What Will You Do to Make Content Creation Easier for Your Brand?

Content creation doesn’t have to be as hard as it seems.

From getting clear on your ideal customer persona and choosing your content channels carefully, to writing an editorial statement, repurposing content and getting clear on your brand story strategy, you can make the task of content creation easier.

In fact, when you put some key principles in place and look for ways to make content creation easier (instead of just faster), you might even find you start to enjoy the process of content creation and the benefits it can bring to building your brand.

Amey Lee

Amey is the Founder & Brandsmith at heart Content.

A specialist in Brand Story, Content Strategy and Copywriting, she works with passionate business owners to build and implement Brand Story Strategy so they can amplify their message and attract their tribe.

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